Sabado, Abril 5, 2014

Chapter 3



This paper attempted to determine the different reasons why bullies bully.

The research design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein data from documents and Internet websites were used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:
1.     Not bullies are considered losers, loners and outcast.
2.     The bullies bully because the only thing that they want is the attention that they get from everybody.
3.     The bullies also have problems; it’s not just the victims.

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.     Sometimes everybody should listen to the bullies and what they’ve got to say because they, too, suffer from their problems at home. All everybody has to do is listen to him or her because it might actually help him or her.
2.     On the reasons why the bullies bully, bullies should go seek for some help. They should be able to open up to any adult or authority on whatever they go through at home so they can get through their day without any trouble at school and with the victim they are tormenting.

After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby makes the following suggestion/recommendations:
1.     Don’t just focus on the victims; it is also better to see the side of the bully.  The researcher recommends that give emphasis on the reasons why the bullies do what they do, search for more reasons.

2.     The researcher recommends that also focus more on the family problems, which is the top reason why bullies do what do. The researcher suggest to get more references regarding that certain issue.

Martes, Abril 1, 2014

Chapter 2: Discussion (revised)


Definition and Types of Motivation of Bullying
One basic distinction often made in the literature on peer-on-peer aggression is between bullying and teasing. Bullying is an overt act of aggression, whose intention is to harm the victim. Motivations for bullying vary, from the nasty pleasure of asserting power over someone who is weaker or helpless or trying to increase one's own status.

There is a site called, they said that the minority of adolescents overtly bully others, also many bullies are low status and both bully others and are victimised themselves. The website also said that most kids will stand by and watch a bully harass and hurt one of their peers without stepping and stopping it, moreover, they often make it worse by acting as an audience -- or even laughing.

Bullies have existed since the beginning of time as have the victims who have suffered fro,m bullying. Today, with the age of the digital world, bullying no longer simply happens in one's personal space. Now can be harassed from thousands of miles away over the internet with sites like twitter, facebook, and others. With so many different ways to bully others in this day in age, it is getting harder and harder to control it and protect the victims.

The site called said that bullies do not fit into a neat little box. They come from all walks of life, all ages, all genders, all races, and all cultures. They also said that bullies are very often people who have been bullied or abused themselves. Sometimes they are experiencing life situations they cannot cope with, that leave them feeling helpless and out of control.

Many times, a bully does not feel that they can find any other means of fitting in or craving out their own niche in life so they turn to being powerful in a way that they feel brings them respect. They feel that being feared is the way to gain respect and surround themselves with friends and people who look up to them. However, what they do not realize is that people are "friends" with them so they do not become a target of their bullying. It all comes down to fear. Another possibility of the reason being the bullying attitude is that they bully themselves feels that they have no control in their lives. (

According to the same site, the people in the bully's life that also have an effect on their behaviour. On one side, the bully may have a family who does not care about the bully's behaviour and may even encourage it because they are the same way towards people.

Teasing among people may be an inevitable fact of life, and unfortunately, young children are initiated into this behaviour at a young age. Children cope up with teasing in a variety of ways. For example, they may walk away or stand up to the individual who is doing the teasing or confront a teaser with friends who will stand up for them. However, when the teasing turns to taunting and the child is afraid that any attempt to stop the aggressor will cause harm. the situation is more serious and possibly crosses the line into bullying.

It is important that we learn the motivation behind bullying because class bullies are often thought of as outcasts who actions leads to rejection by their peers, but new research shows that many are actually popular kids who raise their social standing by picking on others. It says that the reasons why bullies do what they do it is because the victims annoy them, to get even, to make fun of the victim, peer-pressure, the victims are wimps, the bullies show the victims how tough they are and to get things or money from the victims. Standing up for yourself is fine, inflicting harm in retaliation is not. It is possible that the latter approach could perpetuate and increase the child’s problems. Children who use bullying to deal with their difficulties may go on to use this coping mechanism in future relationships. This could lead to difficulties with maintaining friendship, romantic relationships and possibly even lead to behaviour such as domestic violence. Having knowledge on what motivates the bully will help everyone get aware, they will be able to help the bullies, in a sense that the bullies will be able to get to open up to someone on why they bully.

Some bullies are motivated by winning, competition and success. Bullies are motivated by this however not all successful people are bullies. What motivates these type of people instead is the recognition they get as a bully and as someone seemingly important. They like the attention and they like that the focus is on them and the damage they can do. For a bully being able to tear someone down to nothing and have their status and their social standing improve is one o the biggest rewards that a bully can have. The biggest thing we can do as witnesses to bullying or even if we just know someone who is a bully is to take away their stature. Stop talking about them, stop giving them recognition and stop recognising them at all. 

Reasons why bullies bully others
A. Family Problems
Most of us don't know the reasons why bullies bully others and one of the reasons why they do it is because of family problems. The bullies experience painful things as well, even though they don't show it, they put their anger and their hurt through bullying others.Parenting styles that emphasise demands over parent-to-child affection can indirectly encourage bullying behaviour. Part of the reason lies in children failing to gain positive support when they've performed well or behaved well. Without parent emotional rewards to guide the child's behaviour, the child will seek eternal rewards. In such cases, children might find rewards through bullying, such as gaining peer respect or gaining material goods, including possessions of classmates. (

Bullies within the family, especially female bullies, are masters or mistresses, of manipulation and are fond of manipulating people through their emotions and their beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. Bullies see any form of vulnerability as an opportunity for manipulation, and are especially prone to exploiting those who are most emotionally needy. The family bully encourages and manipulates family members to lie, act dishonourably and dishonestly, withhold information, spread misinformation, and to punish the target for allege infractions, for example, the family members become the bully's unwitting and sometimes witting instruments of harassment.

Family problems is one of the main reasons why bullying is such a huge problem in the community. Sometimes family issues, particularly those involving abuse or violence, mean that you have to leave your family, home or partner and start a new life elsewhere. Coping with your emotions, getting money and finding somewhere to live all at the same time can be really hard.

B. Jealousy
Children who are mistreated at home start feeling insecure and inadequate and as a result some of them become bullies because this provides them with a great deal of relief. A person might become a bully in order to feel worth. By devaluing the target, the bully feels superior and so maintains his self worth and protects his ego. Insecurity is another big reason for bullying. Because bullies feel insecure they try to create an illusion of being in control by bullying a weak victim. From the outside bullies might appear strong and in control but from the inside most of them feel insecure, inadequate and inferior. Another popular reason for bullying is attention seeking. Some people become bullies because they are desperately in need of attention and bullying in this case is the only thing they can do to bring some attention to themselves.

According to the website called, when it comes to understanding why bullies target specific kids, it is important to move past the usual assumptions. Those assumptions include believing that all bullies are loners or lack self-esteem. In fact, the reasons behind bullying can run the gamut from lack of impulse control and anger management issues to revenge and a longing to fit in.

The site said the power, popularity, payback, problems, pleasure, prejudices, and peer pressure are some of the reasons why bullies bully. The bullies bully do it for power because they always want to be in charge are prone to bullying. They only interact with others when it's on their terms. If things don't go their way, then they resort to bullying. This is especially true among mean girls who often thrive on power and control. Athletes and physically strong students also may resort to bullying because of the power they have over weaker or smaller students. Additionally, some athletes will bully each other in an attempt to eliminate the competition on the team. They bully for popularity, sometimes bullying can be a manifestation of social status. Kids who are popular often make fun of kids who are less popular. They perpetuate relational aggression and mean girl behaviour. Popularity can also lead to spread rumours and gossip, engage in humiliating others. Meanwhile, kids who are trying to climb the social ladder at school or gain some social power often resort to bullying, sexual bullying or cyber-bullying to get attention. They also might choose to bully others in an attempt to diminish the social status of another person. The main reason why they do this it its because they were once bullied so they bully others for payback. Bullies bully because they have problems at home, also because of peer pressure.

The researcher thinks that the other reasons why they do what they do it is because the victims may be good at what they do, the victims may have an illness or disability, or the targets have different religious or cultural beliefs.

The bullies may be insecure because the victim might be good than they are because there are a lot of times where kids will be bullied because they get a lot of positive attention for something. This could be everything from excelling in sports, making the cheer leading squad or getting the editors position on the school newspaper. Bullies target these students because they either feel inferior or they worry that their abilities are being overshadowed by the target's abilities.



A.    Background of the Study
Bullying is a common problem. One factor that allows for he bullying epidemic is the fact that it is generally accepted as “part of growing up.” Unfortunately, bullying has lingering negative psychological effects for those who are bullied and the bullies themselves. Not a lot of people understand what exactly bullying is. Bullying can range from name-calling to physical abuse. In other words, it is a spectrum.

The website says that bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from the group on purpose.

The site provides a general definition of bullying. It says, “Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.” (

Bullying is thought to be one of the most prevalent types of school violence. The proliferation of cyber-bullying is growing concern, and it's effects are enormous. Therehave been reports of cyber-bullying leading to suicide, school violence, school failure and school avoidance. More than 40% of teens have been victims of taunts and threats via social networks web sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, Instant Messages, or text messages from cell phones. Furthermore, 1 in 8 reported scared enough to stay home from school due to these messages.

The website says that the charity called ChildLine saw a rise in concerns about self-harm, while depression and difficult family relationship were the top reasons for seeking help. ChildLine's founder Esther Ranzten said too many of the nation's children seemed to be struggling and in despair.

ChildLine's founder, Esther Ranzten, said that, “Far too many of the nation's children seem to be struggling and in despair. It is so important that we support children to talk issues and look out for signs that they're not able to cope/ no matter how hard-pressed we are, we must commit to giving children time and space to talk about our lives.” (

Bullying victims encounter multiple issues. Bullied children face enormous obstacle of bulling being ever present. There are 30 percent of teens have been on the receiving end of bullying. Part of this has to do with bullying being part of the teenage nature – striving for power and control over others. Another part of this has to do with the multiple routes of bullying, including violence, rumor spreading, and cyber-bullying. Parents often mistakenly believe that moving their kid to another school district would stop the bullying problem, but bullying is everywhere.

The website says that the delineation of these bully and bully-victim groups has direct implications for prevention and intervention efforts because these subgroups not display different patterns of aggression, but they also have different emotional and psychological profiles. It often involves an imbalance of strength and power between the bully and the target and is repetitive in nature. Children and adolescents may experience isolated acts of aggression, but children who have been bullied live with the ongoing fear of the recurring abuse from the bully, which is usually more damaged.

In the site there was U.S researcher named Dan Olweus, said that “A student is being bullied is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students.” (

There are different types of bullying. The term “bullying” is thrown around a bit excessively these days, and one thing we need to keep in mind is that nor every confrontation is an instance of “bullying.” Such examples of these power imbalances include multiple children ganging up on one, a child that is bigger and stronger than another, or even a child that is perceived as being more important due to his or her stature at the school. Bullying usually takes many forms and can involve physical attacks, emotional attacks and/or verbal attacks.

The website says that the three main categories of bullying are physical, verbal and cyber-bullying. The physical bullying is the most prevalent in academic institutions. This type of bullying may involve the spiting, shoving, kicking or even punching. Verbal bullying is the type where the bully uses words. The aggressor also known as the bully tries to verbally upset the victim through taunting and teasing. The verbal assault might focus on an individual’s appearance, lifestyle choices, intellect, skin color and even ethnicity. Last but not the least, cyber-bullying is the most popular type of bullying in the modern world, it is described as any form of bullying that incorporates the use of technology. Cyber-bullying is rampant on social networking sites and can be very difficult to know the real identity of a bully since most bullies do not use their real names.(

Although most concerns regarding bullying are directed to the victim. He isn't the only one suffering from the culture of bullying. Scientists suggest that the harms of bullying are not exclusive to the bullied. The bully suffers a number of problems as well. In fact, research suggest that bullies have many problems to cause them to bully.

The information provided in this paper is important because it will help the reader recognise that there are two sides of the bullying equation and unless with the bully's issues as much as the bullying victim, the problem of bullying will persist in society. In addition, this paper will also give knowledge to the readers about why the bullies put their anger out on the victims. 

The purpose of this paper is to explain the motivation of the bully and to explain why the bully is just as likely to be suffering like his victims.

B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:
1.What motivates the bully and in what ways does the bully suffer?

C. Significance of the Study
College Students who were once bullied. This research paper would be able to help students because since they experience having being bullied once, whether during elementary or high school, the college students would be able to help the others who are still being bullied. In fact, the researcher hopes that in giving more emphasis to bullying, more students will be more aware that bullying isn’t the right thing to do.

Professors. If a teacher or professor observes bullying in a classroom, he or she needs to immediately intervene to stop it, record the incident and inform the school authority, also they would be able to be the mediator between the victim and the bully.

Bystanders. There are times where they are the witnesses to the bully doing something to his or her victim and don’t do anything about it, they just stand there and think it is nothing. The researcher thinks that they bystanders will benefit because they will become more aware on what is happening.

Future Researchers. This study is complicated for the future researchers to make similar studies because not only does bullying happen in other countries, but it also happens locally. Filipinos also face bullying in so many ways, especially if they are abroad and if they are women because foreigners thing that Filipino women are fit to be household helpers when they have so much potential to show and the researcher believes that if the future studies are to be made, the researcher thinks that the future researcher will use and add more references to put additional information tot their studies.

D. Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the impact of bullying on an individual; also this study will focus on the reasons why bullies bully.

This study will no longer go deeper into the family problems also into the other side effects of bullying. This is also to give emphasis to the problem of the bully on why they are being bullying people. Moreover, the researcher believes that there has to be a s reason why the bullies so what they do to the victims. There fore, this study would be important to people who stand up against bullying.

E. Materials and Methods
The researcher got her resources from the Internet and her personal experiences. The researcher also got her references from her friends and family who have experienced bullying as well. For bullies, when they bully someone who they know is very weak and couldn’t defend themselves, it is the funniest thing in the world to them.

The researcher analysed that her topics are related to each other and the topics could be a product of another topic. There are so many causes of bullying ad there are times where that is the reason why bullies take it out on the victims who didn’t even do anything wrong to them.

  1. F. Definition of Terms
  1. Bystandersthose who watch bullying happen or hear about it.
  2. Bully-victimrepresent a small percentage of bullies who have been bullied themselves. Bully-victims are often physically stronger then their own victims.
  3. Self-harmingincludes self-injury ad self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.
  4. Eating disordersany range of psychological disorders characterised by abnormal or disturbed eating habits.

Martes, Marso 25, 2014

Chapter 2: Discussion

What are the reasons why other people bully the weak?
Definition and Types of Bullying
 Definition of bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively impose domination over others. Bullying is defined as a repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behavior that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. ( Bullying can cause a victim to feel upset, afraid, ashamed, embarrassed, and anxious about going to school. It can involve children of any age, including younger elementary grade-schoolers and even kindergarteners. Bullying behavior is frequently repeated unless there is intervention. (
On the other hand, children who are ostracized by their peers and bullied often become depressed, but new research suggests that the relationship may work the other way around as well: children's depressive symptoms in elementary school precede social victimization and isolation later on.( Adult bullying doesn't receive the same amount of press. But it has been found that the social form of bullying doesn't stop at childhood, but continues into adulthood. The same sorts of activities associated with childhood bullying are present in adults. (
Bullies bully for a reason and nobody knows why they do and sometimes they pose a threat, also that the rest of the student body and their victims are very intimidate by them because of what they can do. In reality, bullying is one of the number one top issue around the world and it is one of the things that the government is trying hard to stop. “Even though people are outside of high school. The memories of these experiences continue to be associated with depression and social anxiety.” (Allison Dempsey, 2008).
With regard to bullying, self-harm behaviors may stem from a desire to relieve tension or communicate stress, and in most extreme cases may represent a suicidal intent in the individual. The study found that 16.5 percent of 16-17 year olds had self-harmed in the previous year, and 27 percent of these did so because they felt as though they “wanted to die.” (
Many children suffer in silence and never speak out being bullied. While bullying also increases the risk of depression, many adolescents in our study self-harmed without being depressed – so it is important that when children or adolescents show signs of self-harm or indications of non- specific symptoms, we consider bullying as a possible cause and provide them with support.” (Wolke, 2013) Hospital admissions for self-harm among teenage girls have jumped by 10 percent in just one year, new figures reveal. In the last 12 months, there were 13,400 cases of self-harm among girls aged 15 to 19 that required hospital treatment – up from 12, 220 in the previous year.
Bullying can be taken to a new level and a more dangerous one. Bullying and harassment can have negative on the development and mental health of the GLBTQ community, such as extreme anxiety and depression, relationship problems, low self-esteem, substance abuse and thoughts of suicide. “Because of this, it is a major underestimate of the rate of bullying among gay youth. While family and peer support have important positive effects for gay youth and reduce feelings of suicide and depression.”(Patrick; 2013;

Reasons why bullies bully others
A. Family problems
Most of us don't know the reasons why bullies bully others and one of the reasons why they do it is because of family problems. The bullies experience painful things as well, even though they don't show it they put their anger and their hurt through bullying others.
Parenting styles that emphasize demands over parent-to-child affection can indirectly encourage bullying behavior. Part of the reason lies in children failing to gain positive support when they've performed well or behaved well. Without parent emotional rewards to guide the child's behavior, the child will seek eternal rewards. In such cases, children might find rewards through bullying, such as gaining peer respect or gaining material goods, including possessions of classmates. (
Bullies within the family, especially female bullies, are masters or mistresses, of manipulation and are fond of manipulating people through their emotions and their beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. Bullies see any form of vulnerability as an opportunity for manipulation, and are especially prone to exploiting those who are most emotionally needy. The family bully encourages and manipulates family members to lie, act dishonorably and dishonestly, withhold information, spread misinformation, and to punish the target for allege infractions, for example, the family members become the bully's unwitting and sometimes witting instruments of harassment.
Family problems is one of the main reasons why bullying is such a huge problem in the community. Sometimes family issues, particularly those involving abuse or violence, mean that you have to leave your family, home or partner and start a new life elsewhere. Coping with your emotions, getting money and finding somewhere to live all at the same time can be really hard.

B. Jealousy
Youngsters from affluent backgrounds are being targeted because of their accents, their parents “flashy” houses and their hobbies. Some teenagers even reported trying to change the way they speak to stop being accused of being “posh”. The poll of almost 2,000 students has revealed that those from wealth families are in a “high risk” category for being bullied. Some 12 percent from high-income homes said they have been targeted because of their wealth, with those from the 200,001 British pounds plus bracket most likely to say they have been persecuted. The findings come as leading head teachers warn of a growing “posh prejudice” which is leading to “jealousy and hostility”.

Victims may be good at what they do
A lot of times kids will be bullied because they get a lot of positive attention for something. This could be everything from excelling in sports, making the cheer-leading squad or getting the editor's position on the school newspaper. Bullies target these students because they either feel inferior or they worry that their abilities are being overshadowed by the target's abilities.
Bullies bully the smart ones and the good ones because they think that the smart ones will over-power them in a sense the smart people will get the spotlight rather than the bullies, so instead the bullies just do what they do and get the spotlight for themselves.

Targets have an illness or disability.
Oftentimes, bullies target special needs children. This can include children who have Asperger's, autism, ADHD, dyslexia or any other condition that sets them apart.

Targets have different religious or cultural beliefs.

One example of bullying because of religious or cultural beliefs includes the treatment Muslim students received after the 9/11 tragedy. But any student can be bullied for religious beliefs. Both Christian students and Jewish students are often ridiculed for their beliefs and practices as well




A. Background of the Study
Bullying is an unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids, who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. (

The number of children seeking help for racist bullying increased sharply last year, as a campaigners warn that the heated public debate about immigration is souring race relations in the classroom. More than 1,400 children and young people contacted ChildLine for counseling about racist bullying in 2013, up 69 percent on the pervious 12 months. According to James Kingett, who comes from the charity called Show Racism The Red Card (SRTRC), “We work with around 50,000 young people every year and issues around Islamphobia have been very prevalent over the past 12 to 18 months. That idea that all Muslims are terrorists or bombers is a particular problem. We’re getting that from kids with no Muslim classmates through to those in diverse schools with many Muslims.” (

ChildLine also saw a rise in concerns about self-harming, while depression and difficult family relationships were the top reasons for seeking help. ChildLine’s founder Esther Rantzen said too many of the nation’s children seemed to be struggling and in despair. During 2012-13, ChildLine counseled 278,886 children and teenagers. The charity also handled 10, 961 cases where a young person raised concerns about another child. For the first time in the charity’s 28-year history, more counseling took place online (59%), than by telephone (41%). (

Bullying is thought to be one of the most prevalent types of school violence. Students assume roles, including bully, victim. Bully/victim, and bystander. Estimates in early 2000s suggest the nearly 30% of American students are involved in bullying in one of these capacities. (Nansel et al., 2001). Specifically, findings from this nationally representative sameple indicated that among sixth through tenth grade, 13% had bullied others (bullies), 11% had bee bullied (victims), and 6% had both bullied others and been bullied (bully-victims). (

In spite of going through a tough time when being bullied, there is always an advantage of being bullied. Bullying can cause so much to a person and it is something that everyone faces, even the bullies’ them-selves. There are types of bullying: Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying and Cyber-Bullying, it is said Physical Bullying, it may involve the spitting, shoving, kicking or even punching. Verbal Bullying incorporates the use of words to carry out an act of bullying; the verbal assault might focus on an individual’s appearance, lifestyle choices, intellect, skin color and even ethnicity. On the other hand, Cyber-bullying is the most popular types of bullying in the modern world, it can be described as any form of bullying that incorporates the use of technology.

There are times where people bully just for fun and they think it is one of the most okay things to do to a person. There are some advantages to bullying, it will someone a better and stronger person, it will also make someone wiser as well. Those are the findings of a new study that was conducted by scientists at York University and Queens University. The researchers looked at 871 students (466 girls and 405 boys) for seven years from ages 10 to 18. Each year, they asked the children questions that their involvement in bullying other positive and negative behaviors. Bullying is a behavior that most children engage in at some point during their school years, according to the study. Almost a tenth (9.9 percent) of the students said they engaged consistently high levels of bullying from elementary school but dropped to almost no bullying by the end of high school. Some 35.1 percent of the children said they bullied peers at moderate levels, and 41.6 percent almost never reported bullying across the adolescent year. (

Instead of just staring at people bullying others, make sure to help because you might not know you actually just saved someone’s life.

A.    Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer the following questions:

1.     What is going to happen to the victims after leaving the school they are in?
2.     Why are people being bullied?

B.    Significance of the Study
College Students who were once bullied. This research paper would be able to help students because since they experienced being bullied once, whether it be during elementary or school, the college students would be able to help the others who are still being bullied. In fact, the researcher hopes that in giving more emphasis to bullying, more students will be more aware that bullying isn’t the right thing to do.

Professors. If a teacher or professor observes bullying in a classroom, he or she needs to immediately intervene to stop it, record the incident and inform the school authority, also they would be able to be the mediator between the victim and the bully.

Bystanders. There are times where they are the witnesses to the bully doing something to his or her victim and don’t do anything about, they just stand there and think it is nothing. The researcher thinks that the bystanders will benefit because they will become more aware on what it is happening.
Future Researchers. This study is complicated for the future researchers to make similar studies because not only does bullying happen in other countries, but it also happens locally. Filipinos also face bullying in so many ways, especially if they are abroad and if they are women because foreigners think that Filipino women are only fit to be household helpers when they have so much potential to show and the researcher believes that that if future studies are to be made, the researcher thinks that the future researchers will use and add more references to put additional information to their study.

C.   Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the impact of bullying on an individual. Bullying is considered to be one the reasons why people commit suicide or decide to take their lives because of it.

The study will no longer go deeper into the family problems also into the other side effects of bullying. This is also to give emphasis to the problems of the bully on why they are bullying people. Moreover, the researcher believes that there has to be reason why the bullies do what they do to the victims. Therefore, this study would be important to people who stand up against bullying.

D.   Materials and Methods
The researcher got her resources from the Internet and her personal experiences. The researcher also got her references from her friends and family who have experienced bullying as well. For bullies, when they bully someone who they know is very weak and couldn’t defend them, it is the funniest thing to happen.

The researcher analyzed that her topics are related to each other and the topics could be the product of another topic. There are so many causes of bullying and there are times where that is the reason why bullies take it out on the victims who didn’t even do anything wrong to them.

E.    Definition of Terms
·      Bystanders – those who watch bullying happen or hear about it.
·      Bully-victim – represent a small percentage of bullies who have been bullied themselves. Bully-victims are often physically stronger than their own victims.
·      Self-harming – includes self-injury and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.
·      Eating disorders – any range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits.